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Minnesota Timeshare Laws
Please be advised that you should not act upon any of this information without seeking proper legal counsel from an attorney experienced in timeshare law. Roberts Law Group makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of any information provided. This information is provided for information only. All information posted here should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed lawyer.
Minnesota’s timeshare laws are administered by the Minnesota Subdivided Land Act, Chapter 83 and Minnesota Administrative Rules.
How to Cancel a Timeshare Contract in Minnesota
83.28: Any buyer has the right of rescission to cancel a timeshare contract in Minnesota within five days of signing the supposed contract. Under this timeshare law, in Minnesota the notice date is the day in which the buyer submits the written announcement by mail. (Predating the document does not affect the date the document was signed.)
Timeshare Advertising Fraud
2810.1200: Minnesota creates standards for advertising which also apply to their timeshare laws. Minnesota declares it unlawful for any person selling or advertising timeshare to make distorted or untrue statements. Under this timeshare law, all facts and statements made in the act of advertising must remain correct and verifiable. If any person is believed to be engaging with any company intentionally deceiving consumers, they will also be considered in violation of this timeshare law in Minnesota.
Minnesota Timeshare Sales Laws
83.25: In the state of Minnesota, any persons who are to sell or offer subdivided lands (including timeshare) must be a licensed broker within the state. Any person selling or reselling timeshares with the state are in violation of Minnesota timeshare law.
Need assistance? Please call us at 1-800-242-0532 for a free consultation regarding your timeshare and situation.
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