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Timeshare Resale Fraud in Florida

Timeshare resale fraud is something all consumers must consider when someone calls them out of the blue. Whether you are in the market to purchase a timeshare on the secondary market or wishing to advertise your timeshare for sale, it is extremely important to research any company that claims they will help you.

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Why Retain an Attorney?

Champaign bottles, streamers, cheers, and other couples celebrating their timeshare purchase. Some or all of these elements may have been part of your timeshare purchase experience. It was exciting!

Until reality set in.

When considering the topic for our inaugural blog post, we had plenty of ideas. And that’s because we speak with dozens of clients every week, each with their own questions:

  • What are the legal consequences of “walking away” from my timeshare?
  • What is my timeshare worth?
  • What legal methods can I use to get out of my unwanted timeshare?
  • How should I transfer my property?
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